Friday, September 24, 2004


So today I was observing a high school class for 276R and I was thinking to myself. . .do I really want to be a teacher? I was just wondering why all of you want to be teachers? It's hard work, but you get to help kids all day, there is low pay, but the internal and personal rewards of satisfaction surpass any amount of money. I just wanted to get some imput from others that are in the same place as me right now. By the way is anyone else lost in IP&T?



Blogger Unknown said...

I'm lost too!

Uh, wait--I'm the teacher! :-)

No, but seriously, learning new technologies always are confusing at first. But the more you do it, it gets easier to learn a new technology that next time.

Good post about whether you want to be a teacher or not. It is a tough thing because teaching is so poorly respected and rewarded. You really have to want to do it because you like students. If you don't like students, they'll drive you crazy. If you love them no matter what, you really can't think of wanting to do anything else. I taught high school-aged kids for two years and it sold me on teaching--even though I had days when I really hated it. You have ups and downs, but overall, I liked being a positive influence of some sort on the students.

September 27, 2004 at 10:47 AM  

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