Monday, November 29, 2004

2nd Lesson Plan Overview

This project is directed toward high school students (9th grade and up). The students will be creating either an anti-smoking or anti-drug advertisement using the internet and photoshop. This project is in the Utah Cirriculum under benefits of living a healthy lifestyle, specific illnesses that are diet related, and my personal lifestyle. The students will need to create an advertisement, and include statistics, origin of drug, and effects (direct and indirect) that they will hand in with their advertisement to ensure there is no false advertising. Some ethical issues that teachers shoudll be aware of with this project include copyright laws on phrases or images that are already used for anti-drug campaigns as well as students copying each other's ideas. The students may brainstorm together but they will each need to create their own projects. I will provide an example of what a finished advertisement should look like and some information on the drug I did.

Sunday, November 28, 2004

The Future of Teachers

Over Thanksgiving I was discussing with my family members what my plans for the future are. I told them that I wanted to teach high school, splitting my classes between history and health and maybe even one culinary class. Then they asked where I wanted to teach and I said I didn't really care. They then proceeded to inform me that I should not teach in Washington (my home state) because of the legislation laws against teachers there. Apparently my aunt who has taught 4th grade for 15 years just got some of her benefits revoked for her family including medical and dental coverage. Plus she is making really low money, even though she has been teaching for so many years and unfortunately she has reached her salary cap for education. My uncle was very outraged at this and it started to make me think about why the government would do such a thing. I mean it only makes since to me that teachers should get paid reasonably well. I mean let's face it they are brain surgeons however they are educating the future doctors, lawyers, and business men of America. Shouldn't they get something for their efforts and their commitment to making this country a wiser place. I know that many of you agree with me but I just wanted to get my opinion out there and vent a bit.

Thursday, November 11, 2004

Technology Reflections

WOW, I never knew there were so many rules for teachers regarding resources and integrating them into teaching methods. There are so many regulations on teachers, even when they are using the resource for educational purposes. I just think that it is really sad that a teach can't use the same video or article for several years in a row. I guess it is somewhat good because it forces teachers to find and research the latest information on particular subjects, but sometimes a person will come across a really great resource and they won't be able to use it over and over again. It seems like you have to ask for permission about everything. One particular subject that I though was very cool and would be useful in a classroom setting was the Creative Commons website for open copyright. I like how each person can set their own regulations on when and who can use their work and it is easy to find resources on practically any subject which keeps the classroom interesting. Another portion of this project that I found surprising was the privacy issues and how easy it is to track someone on the internet. I knew that all of your searching and purchases could be tracked but it is almost scary how easy it is and if that information got into the wrong hands. I found it really beneficial to have the guidelines and suggestions given on their wiki page like not giving your credit card number or social security number over the internet. It is common sense but a very good idea. Overall I though this project was very informative and made me a better consumer as well as a better educator.

Thursday, November 04, 2004

Technology Cheating

While I was looking up information on students using cell phones to cheat in their classes. I am very disturbed at the fact that students use their phones in the classroom to text answers or taking pictures of the tests on their camera phones. But I am even more disturbed to hear that teachers are allowing students to have their phones during tests or in classes. I know that cell phones were not allowed in my high school, and if the teachers saw one they would turn it into the office to be picked up after school. I am not against cell phones or people having them (I have one) but there is no need to be talking on your cell phone at school. Who are the kids suppose to be talking to? All of their friends are at school with them and their parents should be at work. I just think that cell phones do not belong in a classroom setting and if the teachers and school district make this a policy there shouldn't be any problems with cheating through cell or camera phones.